The new Orna RPG event is bringing back the fan-favorite Mischievous Clurichauns to the game! However, it’s for a limited time only… The event will be running until August 25th! So get your gear and weapons ready.

Check out the original announcement!

This Orna RPG Event is a repeat of an earlier one this year, however, it’s still bringing the same pixel-packed fun. It’ll have you taking down forces and waves of the impish Irish fairies.

We’ve covered Orna RPG on here before, detailing the developer’s new game announcement. Their new game will be set in the same universe, however, will be a more traditional RPG for those who like the comfort of their couch!

If you haven’t jumped into Orna already, we recommend it for any augmented reality/location-based fan. It feels like a retro-MMORPG translated into a geolocation format.

The retro style packs a nostalgic punch, and the combat is full of depth. Plus! You can get pets? What more do you want? It’s also filled to the brim with RPG goodness, with a range of different classes to unlock.

The game has a strong and welcoming community. It also regularly gets events like this, and content updates! It is available on both Android and iOS App Stores.

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By Camellia Hao Ren

Camellia Hao Ren is an Australian journalist and editor. When they aren't writing, they are usually playing games or reading.

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